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Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Sewer Exploration

Players: 6

Week of November 20th

Expected Session Length: Chat Game


IC prompt: “Speakers Corner - tell us your woes and we’ll connect you to potential solutions … The Last Match needs information gathering specialists to gather intel and confirm that intel about possible threats coming from the manhole nearby”

Clean Up
Synopsis: Following the oncoming storm we get a call from an unknown, turns out this guy is the owner/GM of The Last Match with an unlimited budget, our job, scout the opposition. Drop into the sewers, walk the walk, scout the opposition, and drop the scouting report/game tape for the enigmatic ‘Mr H’. PJ sequences the first set of doors and Workout vanishes to the NW. When my turn at the plate comes up I head south, I am a southpaw after-all. I find a drone charging station, a pathway to the city roadworks. Also tried to climb the shaft upwards, but what goes up, must come down, fast. Further south we hit the sewer treatment plant. I screwed up the airlock system, and it was worse than the winds at the Wrigley outfield. turns out someone is manufacturing some toxic gas threat. Treking back, and heading southeast I find another connection to the sewer plant with a poorly built wall and a camera in place. I dropped a call to TBBW abs he pulls some straight up Trid Matrix Magic. Running out of time, and counting on my team mates to pick up the other ducks-on-the-pond, I decide to lay down a sacrifice play and call my reporter acquaintance. She checks in on the old KE station to the north for some valuable intel, but that intel will cost me, significantly. Sometimes you just gitta take one for the team…”